About Us

CareersElite is a U.S. Based, International job search engine, and placement service headquartered in Newport Beach, California.

CareersElite services most industries with placement specialties in Food and Beverage, Hospitality, Information Technology, Executive Level Placement, Engineering, Human Resources, and more.

CareersElite offers job postings for employers searching for qualified candidates.

CareersElite carefully sources, identifies, interviews and screens candidates that are specific to your hiring needs. We provide top talent for you to review. Your decision will be to choose the person with the qualifications that meet your criteria.

CareersElite specializes in Hospitality, Restaurants, Hotels, Information Technology, Engineering, Human Resources, Executive Level Placement and most all industries.

CareersElite offers resume writing/reviewing and one-on-one interview preparation to assist you in preparation for your next career move.

CareersElite offers multiple options that best suit your company’s needs in posting open positions and search options.

Call us today to set a time to discuss what would help you most.

Set up your profile for FREE, and "Post a Job!"

Our mission at CareersElite is to provide the highest quality of service with integrity and a mission to succeed while offering low cost solutions. We also offer resume writing/reviewing and one-on-one interview preparation to help you get ready for your next job. Call us today to set a time.