I want to get 2 ADU permit, one for Los Angels, Other for city of hemet in Riveside County
I did Submit my plan long time ago , both of them , they Give me Corrcttions
Now I want A DERAFTMAN OR WOMAN how Have CAD progran or equial , must be setting next to me , we work togther do these corrcttions
You can Not work on this uncomplted perojet by your self , becouse evry information are inside my mind, Therfor you can not read my mind, sorry.
I pay you houerly rate, what ever it take we finshed the job for both the corrections, we can work at my home office or your , upon complition of the correcttion
For secon part job , it is to get permit form Los Angelesthen and hemet we may work it out also
you can get the permit your own I pay you flat fee or just we do it the same way the correction been done Call David 2135739255