Rising Phoenix Productions and What Do You Know? Trivia is looking to hire 2-3 new personalities for immediate part-time work as a Karaoke Host and Trivia Host. There are also opportunities to be trained as a wedding DJ.
No experience is necessary, although electronics and sound knowledge can be helpful. I am looking for someone with a dynamic personality. Someone that can be funny, witty, competent on a microphone in front of a crowd. I am looking for the consummate Master of Ceremonies/Game Show Host type personality. I can teach everything else.
Other necessary requirements:
* You MUST be AT LEAST 21. Most weekly shows are in a bar, and require you to be of age.
* You MUST have a vehicle AND license to drive. (If you do not have both, do not apply!)
* You should have a flexible schedule
* You MUST be professional and be on time
* Be able to handle Customer Service
* Ability to sing a plus!!
This is a part time job that is primarily nights and weekends. Prefer to hire those that either have a job or another means of supporting themselves, because this is NOT a living wage job. This is gig work. Pay varies depending on the type and duration of the show, and your level of experience.
Please reply with a short email about yourself and any applicable experience. Please make sure that you include the following information:
*Your name
*Email address
*City you live in
*Working phone number
ANY EMAILS NOT CONTAINING THIS INFORMATION WILL BE DISCARDED. You may include a current resume if it contains relevant information, although not necessary. I will be setting up interviews ASAP.