We're hiring Work From Home Agents to help us accelerate the growth of our company.
You can create your own schedule, and you only need 10-15 hours per week to earn between $500-$1000 per week. So you can work spare time, part time or full time.
After the first 2 weeks you're paid weekly.
Plus the work is simple! You'd mainly be responsible for conducting 5 Minute Screening Calls to prospects who have shown an interest in working from home. Then communicate with them through email, and you're paid $30 to $200 per prospect that joins our team.
We provide the scripts and emails, and there's no investment for your prospects either.
For immediate consideration send your resume or your experience working from home to hiring@scsystemsgroup.com. Then you'll be contacted by a representative to get a quick idea of your skill-set before sending you more information.