Title: Part Time Admin Clerk (Entry Level)
Schedule: Monday - Friday from 9am to 2pm
Location: 16938 Saticoy St Van Nuys Ca 91406
Looking for a reliable, trustworthy Admin Clerk with at least 2years experience with data entry, basic bookkeeping and office support. Candidate will be responsible for:
1) Maintain Accounts Payable
2) Provide Clerical Support
3) Filing and Scanning
4) Handling incoming calls.
5) Help with special projects
5) Data Entry
6) Help with reporting building
1) 2 years of accounting experience
2) Good communication skills
3) Answer incoming calls.
4) Reliable transportation
5) Good work ethics
6) Pass background check
7) QBO experience is a plus but no required.
8) Must be comfortable using excel, knowledge of advance formulas and pivot tables is a must
9) Resourceful and multitask oriented
10) Team Player
Interested parties please send your resume to Attn: Victor. Please send PDF format only.
Thank you